Military Embedded Systems

Radar system developed by Hensoldt tested for use in uncontrolled airspace


September 06, 2024

Dan Taylor

Technology Editor

Military Embedded Systems

Radar system developed by Hensoldt tested for use in uncontrolled airspace
Image courtesy Hensoldt

ULM, Germany. The German Aerospace Centre (DLR) recently tested a new compact radar system from Hensoldt designed to monitor uncontrolled airspace, the company announced in a statement.

The radar system, part of the 'MIMO Air' project led by Hensoldt, was tested with drones and a research helicopter to assess its ability to monitor urban airspace, the statement reads. The system includes a MIMO radar sensor and a post-processor, designed to detect air traffic and obstacles, while also aiding navigation and landing. The tests concluded at the DLR's National Experimental Test Centre for Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

The project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), involved multiple partners including the Fraunhofer Institute, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung, and Humatects GmbH. Further analyses are ongoing to evaluate the system's reliability in detecting aircraft, according to the statement.

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