Explainable AI to be leveraged by Intelligent Artifacts for sensor fusion research
NewsJanuary 20, 2021

NEW YORK, N.Y. Intelligent Artifacts has won a Phase I SBIR contract award by the U.S. Air Force to conduct R&D on a sensor fusion solution to help the AF meet critical Command and Control, Battle Management, and Communications (C2BMC) mission requirements across multiple domains.
The company claims that it plans to use an explainable, real-time learning artificial intelligence (AI) solution to mitigate lags in data aquisition, fusion, analytics, and distribution — all of which can disrupt the time-critical, decision-making process.
According to the company, Intelligent Artifacts' overall goal for Phase I is to articulate autonomous information processing capabilities and illustrate how software solution can be leveraged within the commandONE application layer architecture to benefit C2BMC mission requirements.