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Raytheon Company

870 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451
Raytheon Company
Articles related to Raytheon Company

Next-gen GPS operational control system software from Raytheon completes launch readiness exercise - News

May 03, 2013
AURORA, Colo. Raytheon engineers finished the second launch readiness exercise of the next generation Global Positioning System (GPS) operational control system (OCX) for the U.S. Air Force. Exercise 2's completion demonstrates that the OCX software from Raytheon meets mission requirements and is on track for the first GPS III satellite launch.

Raytheon to provide security solution along Jordanian border for DTRA - News

April 17, 2013
DULLES, Va. Raytheon Co. won a Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) border security contract with a value of $35.9 million. Under the contract Raytheon engineers will design, develop, and implement an integrated surveillance system along different parts of the Jordanian border. Raytheon also will provide equipment, training, and maintenance and repair.

Korean Fighting Falcon aircraft get radar upgrade from Raytheon - News

April 15, 2013
EL SEGUNDO, CA. Republic of Korea officials selected the Raytheon Advanced Combat Radar (RACR) has the country's KF-16C/D Block 52 Fighting Falcon fleet upgrade.

X-band and S-band radars for Cobra Judy Replacement program complete live-launch tests - News

April 08, 2013
TEWKSBURY, MA. Raytheon engineers completed first tests of the radars for the Conra Judy Replacement (CJR) program against the launch of a live rocket. The X- and S-band radars that were integrated on the USNS Howard O. Lorenzen (T-AGM 25) acquired and tracked each stage of an Atlas V rocket that was launched from Cape Canaveral and then collected all the associated data.

AN/TPY-2 radar from Raytheon delivered to Missile Defense Agency - News

March 19, 2013
TEWKSBURY, MA. Raytheon officials delivered their eighth AN/TPY-2 radar to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) to serve in terminal mode as the fire control radar in the U.S. Army's Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system.