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Raytheon Company

870 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451
Raytheon Company
Articles related to Raytheon Company

HARM Control Section Modification (HCSM) contract won by Raytheon - News

September 18, 2013
TUCSON, AZ. Raytheon won a $14 million Air Force Lot 2 contract for continuing full rate production of the High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM) Control Section Modification (HCSM) upgrade units. This modification adds a GPS receiver as well as an enhanced inertial measurement unit (IMU) for precision navigation to the current HARM. It also has a digital flight computer that fuses targeting solutions from navigation and seeker systems.

MDA awards $218 million SM-3 contract to Raytheon - News

August 12, 2013
TUCSON, AZ. Raytheon won a $218,530,196 contract from the Missile Defense Agency to finish the assembly and delivery of 29 Standard Missile-3 Block IB missiles. The SM-3 interceptors are launched off Navy ships and destroy incoming short-, medium-, and intermediate-range ballistic missile threats by hitting with them in space.

Persistent Surveillance software package to be built by Raytheon for NAVAIR - News

July 03, 2013
DULLES, VA. Officials at the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) selected Raytheon to produce an integrated multi-INT system for safeguarding forward deployed forces. The Persistent Surveillance System Cross Domain Solution (PSS CDS) provides warfighters with an advantage by enabling a complete picture of impending threats, from classified and unclassified sources.

Trusted Mail System from Raytheon now available - News

June 10, 2013
HERNDON, VA. Officials at Raytheon Trusted Computer Solutions (RTCS) released their Trusted Mail System cross domain solution for securing policy-enforced email exchanges and attachments between users on different networks. The software eliminates the need for switching between systems at multiple levels.

Wind Farm mitigation performed on Netherlands airbase radar systems by Raytheon - News

May 28, 2013
HARLOW, England. Raytheon engineers will be upgrading four additional Airport Surveillance Radar sites with the Wind Farm Mitigation kits for Royal Netherlands air force (RNLAF). The upgrade includes WiMax interference filtering (4G filtration) and is expected to be completed within the next 12-15 months.

Mobile air traffic control system for U.S. Air Force to be designed by Raytheon - News

May 21, 2013
TEWSKBURY, MA. Raytheon won a U.S. Air Force contract to produce rapidly deployable air traffic control (ATC) systems that can be deployed anywhere in the world and then be completely operational controlling flights within six hours. Under the contract, potentially valued at $260 million -- Raytheon engineers will produce one Engineering and Manufacturing Development unit with production options for as many as 18 Deployable Radar Approach Control (D-RAPCON) systems.

Gray Eagle gets electronic jamming payload from Raytheon - News

May 20, 2013
MARLBOROUGH, MA. Raytheon engineers provided two electronic attack payloads to support the Army's Networked Electronic Warfare, Remotely Operated (NERO) system. NERO is used as an airborne electronic attack system the Army's MQ-1C Gray Eagle Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) for jamming enemy communications systems.