Military Embedded Systems

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Lockheed Martin

6801 Rockledge Drive
Bethesda, MD 20817
Lockheed Martin
Articles related to Lockheed Martin

More than $1 Billion in avionics and sensors for Navy helicopters to be provided by Lockheed Martin - News

April 09, 2012
WASHINGTON. Lockheed Martin won a billion dollar Navy contract to deliver more than 200 digital avionics cockpits as well as sensors and integrated mission systems for the MH-60S Sierra and MH-60R Romeo helicopters ? both of which are manufactured by Sikorsky Aircraft, in Stratford, Conn.

Missile warning satellite final tests completed by Air Force and Lockheed Martin - News

April 03, 2012
LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE, CALIF. Air Force and Lockheed Martin engineers finished final systems tests for the U.S. Air Force?s second Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) geosynchronous satellite (GEO-2). The Final Integrated System Test (FIST) confirmed the spacecraft's functionality and performance prior to launch site delivery.

Navy funds two more Littoral Combat Ships to be built by Lockheed Martin - News

March 19, 2012
WASHINGTON. U.S. Navy officials are adding funding for two Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs) to be produced a Lockheed Martin-led industry team under a $715 million modification to an existing contract. The two ships will be the third and fourth vessels in a 10-ship contract awarded back in late 2010.

Cloud computing solution from Lockheed Martin UK being adopted by UK Cabinet office to create Cloudstore - News

March 16, 2012
BETHESDA, Md. Officials at the United Kingdom Cabinet Office chose G-Cloud computing services from Lockheed Martin UK across its government organizations and departments. The agreement will be dubbed CloudStore and will run for about six to nine months, with a potential for rolling contract extensions.

Tomahawk missile's weapons system gets hardware and software upgrade - News

March 12, 2012
PHILADELPHIA. Engineers at Lockheed Martin are upgrading the Tomahawk Land Attack missile?s weapon-control system software and hardware. The Tactical Tomahawk Weapon Control System, or TTWCS), TTWCS gives firing units the ability to control, prepare, and launch Tomahawk missiles and is one of the three main components that make up the Tomahawk Weapons System.

Space Fence radar already tracking objects in Earth orbit - News

March 08, 2012
MOORESTOWN, N.J. A Space Fence radar prototype ? designed by Lockheed Martin engineers ? is in the process of tracking orbiting space objects. The radar system development, which is an Air Force program, will improve space situational awareness for the U.S.

Foliage-penetrating reconnaissance radar to support counter-terrorism operations - News

February 24, 2012
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. A foliage-penetrating radar designed by Lockheed Martin engineers will be deployed to the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) for counter-terrorism as well as disaster relief and humanitarian missions.