L3Harris Technologies

L3Harris, Leidos, and MAG Aerospace team up for Army HADES program - News
October 09, 2023MELBOURNE, Fla., Oct. 9, 2023 — L3Harris Technologies Leidos, and MAG Aerospace joined hands for the U.S. Army’s High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System (HADES) program. The companies plan to deploy a fleet of aerial intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft to gather relevant and reliable operational intelligence.
L3Harris wins Army HMS radio contracts - News
October 04, 2023ROCHESTER, N.Y. The U.S. Army has awarded L3Harris a set of production orders -- totaling more than $247 million -- under the Handheld, Manpack & Small Form Fit (HMS) program.
Hypersonic missile detection contract for U.S. Space Force won by L3Harris - News
June 30, 2023MELBOURNE, Florida. L3Harris Technologies has won a U.S. Space Force Space Systems Command contract to provide a sensor payload design for the medium Earth orbit (MEO) – Missile Track Custody (MTC) Epoch 1 program, the company announced in a statement.
Multi-orbit satellite connectivity contract won by L3Harris for U.S. Air Force - News
June 07, 2023SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. L3Harris Technologies has been awarded an $81 million contract by the U.S. Air Force to provide a multi-orbit, multi-waveform satellite communications (SATCOM) capability, and the contract will be overseen by the Air Force's Strategic Development and Planning office and is part of the ongoing Global Lightning program, the company announced in a statement.
Anti-IED robots to be provided to Australia by L3Harris - News
May 31, 2023MELBOURNE, Florida. L3Harris Technologies has won a contract to supply up to 80 robotic explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) systems to the Australian Defence Force to combat improvised explosive devices (IEDs), according to the company.
Human mobility prediction technology to be developed for IARPA by L3Harris - News
May 23, 2023MELBOURNE, Florida. L3Harris Technologies has won a contract from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) to develop technology to help predict and characterize human mobility, the company announced in a statement.
L3Harris shows VAMPIRE and WESCAM MX-8 capabilities at SOF Week - News
May 08, 2023SOF Week 2023 – TAMPA, Fla. L3Harris Technologies is showing its VAMPIRE [Vehicle-Agnostic Modular Palletized ISR Rocket Equipment] display and the WESCAM MX-8 EO/IR system integrated on Vanilla Unmanned’s uncrewed aerial system (UAS) platform, as a way to highlight the multisensor operator experience, at this week's SOF Week 2023 show.