Military Embedded Systems

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Abaco Systems

8800 Redstone Gateway
Suite 200
Huntsville, AL 35808
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Abaco Systems
Articles related to Abaco Systems

PRODUCT OF THE WEEK: Abaco Systems’ FMC300 Wideband Low Latency FMC Module - Story

April 01, 2024

This week’s product, the Abaco Systems FMC300 Wideband Low Latency FMC Module, integrates high-performance analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) and digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) capabilities. The module – aligned to the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) Technical Standard – is designed for mission-critical military applications such as software-defined radio (SDR), electronic warfare (EW), and digital radar.


Aircraft mission computer from Abaco Systems gets FAA approval - News

February 12, 2024

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama. AMETEK Abaco Systems' FORCE2C mission computer recently completed its Stage of Involvement (SOI) reviews, getting official approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) after meeting the standards of DO-254 and DO-178C for fixed and rotary wing aircraft, crewed and uncrewed, the company announced in a statement.


Ukraine provides key lessons for missile defense radar on the battlefield - Story

February 09, 2024

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in early 2022 kicked off a new era of modern warfare. Drone strikes, hypersonic missiles, and the use of a wide spectrum of other weapons introduced the world to new threats on the battlefield. Radar systems are stretching their limits to keep up.


Abaco Systems executives discuss exciting RF future at the company during AOC 2023 - Video

December 13, 2023


Abaco Systems executives Mike Underwood and Alan Hislop discuss the exciting future of RF at the company during AOC 2023.


SOSA’s impact on electronic warfare designs - Story

October 12, 2023

Open architecture approaches like the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) Technical Standard are changing the way defense electronics designers build tomorrow’s military platforms. SOSA’s impact is felt within the electronic warfare (EW) community as requirements for the products based on the standard become more prevalent riding the modular open systems approach (MOSA) wave within the DoD.


Open standards, SOSA used to simplify systems in AUSA demonstration - News

October 10, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. A number of industry partners showcased new hardware and software at this week's Association of the United States Army (AUSA) annual conference, technology that uses a modular open standards approach (MOSA) to simplify mission systems used by soldiers in the field.


SOSA aligned COTS SBC aims at use in C4ISR, industrial applications - News

August 24, 2023

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. Abaco Systems (a business unit of AMETEK) introduced the SBC3513, a Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) aligned single-board computer (SBC) that features the Intel Xeon W processor -- formerly known as Tiger Lake H -- with eight cores operating at 2.6GHz, 64 Gbytes of DDR4 RAM, and as much as 480 Gbytes of nVME SSD.

Designed with a 100GbE data plane, 25GbE control plane, and PCIe Gen4 to the backplane, the rugged, commercial-off-the-shelf SBC3513 is well suited for demanding command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (C4ISR) and industrial applications.